Seattle Coin Club

SCC is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Washington.
Address: Seattle Coin Club c/o Scott Loos, PO Box 2210, North Bend, WA 98045, Ph. 425-831-8789.
Home Awards Coin Shows Exhibits Information
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For other coin shows and numismatic events in the Pacific Northwest, see the PNNA calendar.

Hours and Location:

  • Beginning in April 2019, the club began meeting on the second Thursday of each month.
  • Regular club meetings: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
  • Meeting date and location: The club returned to the Tukwila Community Center, 12424 42nd Ave S, Tukwila, WA, beginning Oct. 2022. The club had previously met at this location before the pandemic.

Keep in mind that events may occasionally be subject to changes or cancellations. Regional and national events are listed for the convenience of members who may wish to attend these events. See the linked websites for more information and updates, and make your travel plans well in advance.

Contact club president Rick Schulz for more information about these club events, and see the president's message or the club newsletter.


SCC Calendar

DateEventMeeting Topics
2025 (Regular Meetings)
Tukwila Community Center, 12424 42nd Ave S, Tukwila, WA
(except as announced for annual banquet).
  As always, the monthly displays can also feature new acquisitions or Pacific Northwest. If you have an idea for a program please let Rick Schulz or Jeff Pritchard know about it. (See club officers page.)
MAR 13In-person banquet meeting at 6:00 p.m.Annual SCC Banquet. Join your fellow numismatists at Angelo’s (601 SW 153rd St, Burien, WA 98166) for the Seattle Coin Club’s annual banquet. Bring spouses, significant others, or family members for an enjoyable evening of good food and numismatic fellowship. This is the first club banquet since 2018.
APR 10In-person meeting at 6:00 p.m.Table Topic: Landscapes.
Program: David Hunzicker, "Assembling a U.S. Type Set." Dave will explore the origins of his interest in assembling a U.S. type set, the choices made along the way that sculpted the set into its current form, and some thoughts on future expansion that compliment and extend his collection. An excellent presentation as so many numismatists endeavor to build a full or partial type set!
MAY 8In-person meeting at 6:00 p.m.Table Topic: Trees.
Program: Faiz Kass-Elias will return to the SCC with an overview of "Roman Provincial Coinage." Faiz is a highly respected local dealer and collector in ancients with an enjoyable “fireside chat” manner of presenting. A great opportunity to learn about the coinage and history of the Roman Empire.
JUN 12In-person meeting at 6:00 p.m.Table Topic: Flags.
Program: Erik Jansen, current ANA Treasurer and former member of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) will provide an in-depth look at the coin production process. From Congressional approval to design and engraving, to modern production challenges, Erik will share “how the sausage gets made.” This promises to be a fascinating look behind-the-scenes at the U.S. Mint. Have your questions ready!
JUL 10In-person meeting at 6:00 p.m.Table Topic: Hair.
Program: to be announced.
AUG 14In-person meeting at 6:00 p.m.Table Topic: Clothes.
Program: to be announced.
2025 (Special Events)
AUG 29-SEP 21 closed TuesdaysWashington State (Puyallup) FairNumismatic booth in the Hobby Hall, Puyallup, WA - PNNA Fair webpage.
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2025 (regional and national events)
APR 11-13PNNA Spring ConventionTukwila Community Center, Tukwila, WA
APR 20-26ANA National Coin WeekTheme: Iconic Change: Pop Culture & Coins Unite!
AUG 19-23ANA World’s Fair of MoneyOklahoma City Convention Center; Oklahoma City, OK
to be announcedPNNA Fall Coin ShowTukwila Community Center, Tukwila, WA
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