Seattle Coin Club

SCC is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Washington.
Address: Seattle Coin Club c/o Scott Loos, PO Box 2210, North Bend, WA 98045, Ph. 425-831-8789.
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SCC News Summary 2024

Meeting Date & Location

The SCC previously returned to in-person meetings at the Tukwila Community Center, still on the second Thursday of each month!

New meeting location: Tukwila Community Center, 12424 42nd Ave S, Tukwila, WA. The meeting time is now from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., due to staff shortages and early closing on most weeknights. Also see the calendar page, and mark your calendar accordingly.

2024 Meeting Programs:

  • We're pleased to report that every month in 2024 featured an in-person meeting at the Tukwila Community Center from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

  • December 12, 2024 - The tabel topic was "Wheels," and the program was given by our videographer, David Edge, who gave a presentation on Mercury Dimes. While this is one of the most beautiful designs initiated during President Teddy Roosevelt’s overhaul of the nation’s coinage, numismatists know the portrait is intended to represent Liberty and freedom of thought, but the public’s Mercury nickname stuck.

  • November 14, 2024 - The table topic was "Mythical creatures," and the program was Dan Vornbrock, one of the club’s more knowledgeable historians, discussing "Our Nation’s Colonial Coinage," its influence on early monetary policies and practices, while displaying examples from his own collection. A great opportunity to learn about this fascinating area of numismatics!

  • October 10, 2024 - The table topic was "Russia/Soviet Union" (was originally May topic) and, due to a last-minute schedule change, Jeff Pritchard presented "American Slavery and the Liberty Cap." This presentation provided a brief history of the well-known Liberty Cap, highlighting three vignettes in American history in which the Liberty Cap on our nation’s coinage was particularly poignant and ironic in relation to slavery and emancipation. An intriguing and thought-provoking program.

  • September 12, 2024 - The table topic was "Buildings," and the program was given by our intrepid newsletter publisher, Ray Fiorini, who shared details of recently completing his "Coin-of-every-Country" quest. (Also see the newsletter if you're a club member.) Ray explained his motivation, self-imposed guidelines, some of the more challenging pieces, and amazed us with his geographic prowess!

  • August 8, 2024 - The table topic was "Dogs and Cats," and the program was given by Faiz Kass-Elias, a local dealer and collector, on "Collecting Ancients 101." This was a great follow-up to our June program, as Faiz explained how to start collecting ancients, pros and cons, how to purchase wisely, what to avoid, storage considerations, and what he sees for ancient numismatics going forward.

  • July 11, 2024 - The table topic was "Warriors," and the program featured your dutiful Education Chairman (Pritchard) sharing his recent behind-the-scenes visit to the Smithsonian’s National Numismatic Collection in Washington, D.C. He explained how to arrange a private viewing and examination of any of the collection’s staggering 1.6 million coins, medals, or paper currency. If you’re planning a future trip to the greater D.C. area, you didn’t want to miss this program!

  • June 13, 2024 - The table topic was "Heavenly Bodies," and the program was given by Dan Gossett of the Boeing Employees Coin Club (BECC), who enlightened us about "Greek Mythology through Ancient Coinage." Ancients are one of the most historical, yet affordable, areas of numismatics, so this should have been a fascinating program.

  • May 9, 2024 - The updated table topic was "Error Coins," and for the program, Greg Bennick present "Collecting Error Coinage." Greg is a board member of CONECA (Combined Organization of Numismatic Error Collectors of America), has written many articles for Errorscope Magazine, and in 2023 hosted and produced eight podcast interviews with prominent numismatists for the Newman Numismatic Portal. To top it off, Greg is a highly accomplished speaker, having participated as a TEDx presenter.

  • April 11, 2024 - This was the evening before the PNNA Convention. There were 16 members and 5 guests in attendance. The table topic was "Non-motorized watercraft." For the program, Mike Zagorin, our modest “cookie baker,” shared his large collection of unique Iraqi error banknotes from Saddam Hussein’s reign, along with some personal reflections on how he began collecting the notes, which began after his military service in the whirlwind of Desert Storm.

  • March 14, 2024 - The table topic was Seattle. For the educational program, John L. discussed the surprising history of coins minted in the United States for foreign countries. During oversees wars, revolutions, or financial crises, America has served as The Mint of Last Resort, for the likes of Belgium, Nationalist China, Mexico, Philippines, Liberia, and the Congo. John shared the stories, how to identify foreign coins minted in the U.S., and the political intrigue surrounding the highly controversial Saudia Arabia gold coins.

  • February 8, 2024 - The table topic was Presidents. For the educational program, Scott Loos talked about his personal experiences in becoming a rare coin dealer. Why and how he made the transition from collector, shows he attends, biggest challenges, specialty areas, and how he’s made coins a family affair. A revealing behind-the-scenes look at the numismatic marketplace.

  • January 11, 2024 - The table topic was Ships. For the educational program, David E. graciously agreed to return to the podium to educate us about "Financing the American Revolution." David has direct family ties to Betsy Ross, so this promised to be a fascinating presentation!